Scroll to learn about the individuals, families and organizations that we are currently supporting financially through Faith Promise. 

We encourage you to send them an encouraging email, read more about their mission efforts,
and to pray faithfully for them as they serve near and far in the name of Jesus!

You can contact the Caledonia CRC Missions Team by emailing

  • Michael & kim Hewitt

    Michael and Kim planted Rising Hope Church in Muncie, Indiana. The mission of the church is "Love God. Love People. Serve our Community & World."


  • sara webb

    Sara lives in West Michigan with her family, and works with Capernaum Young Life. CAPYL is an outreach and discipleship ministry specific to middle school and high school friends with intellectual and developmental disabilities.


  • Nick Int'Hout

    Nick and his family live in Redlands, CA. Nick gathers church leaders in the Inland Empire for strategic prayer and worship, helps form leadership groups, and offers 1-on-1 pastoral support and leadership coaching


  • Matt & sarah smith

    Matt and Sarah, along with their 3 children, live in Antigua, Guatemala. They work with Commission Ministries Network at as Administrators of Encounter Academy, a Christian school for missionary families. 


  • kerry guikema

    Kerry serves with Young Life International in London, England as the SE England Director and also serves locally with Young Life Wokingham. Young Life is devoted to introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith. Kerry is a member of our congregation.  


  • mark & rebecca essenburg

    Mark is an urban missionary working through Gold Ave. CRC in Grand Rapids, MI. He serves as the Director of Outreach and Enfolding, equipping the body of Christ to reach out to others with the love of Jesus through neighborhood outreach, diaconal work, and by directing Empowered For Witness. Rebecca is the Chair of the Care Elders and the Sunday Morning Prayer Partners coordinator.


  • ray & angie de lange

    Ray and Angie, along with their 4 children, recently moved to London, England where they serve with Pars Theological Centre to teach, mentor and train the school's more than 500 adult students of a Muslim background who are spread around the globe. Pars seeks to cultivate servant-leaders who will lead in the movement of the gospel within this particular Middle Eastern people group. Ray and Angie are sent by East-West Ministries, in partnership with Resonate Global Mission.


  • tom & donna cnossen

    Tom and Donna work through Northern Canada Evangelical Missions in Alberta Canada. They organize summer camps, Bible studies, and reach out and evangelize to the Maskwacis people.


  • nancy tenbroek

    Nancy has been serving World Renew in Bangladesh for 30 years.. She works with many different organizations that help the poor improve their lives in the areas of health, literacy & income, but her primary focus is women’s ministries.


  • chris & angie walker

    Chris and Angie are church planting missionaries with Ethnos 360 among the Mibu people in Papua, New Guinea.


  • kyle and marcia post

    Kyle and Marcia Post are campus missionaries with Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ). They are currently on assignment at Lee University in Chattanooga, Tennessee where they train students in how to share the Gospel in love and truth on the college campus. They also help lead students to be thriving ambassadors for Christ wherever God leads them after college and throughout the world! Marcia also cares for Cru staff throughout 4 states in the mid-south and aids in crisis situations.

    Email: /

  • dr. john & rosa vanderkolk

    John and Rosa live here in Grand Rapids and coordinate periodic trips to the Middle East with groups of volunteer doctors and dentists. They partner with Touch of Hope International to provide dental care for Syrian refugees in Lebanon.  When on site, these medical professionals meet with approximately 1,000 patients in a week’s time, and often have the chance to share the gospel with Muslim refugees and direct them to local Christian churches. 


  • Corey Van huizen

    Corey creates gospel centered message content for Redeemer Online Church and seeks to help the physically scattered to digitally gather and grow as disciples of Jesus.

    Email Corey:

  • Tim & Tammy Holwerda

    Tim and Tammy Holwerda are serving Heliopolis Community Church, an international congregation in Cairo, Egypt. Tim is the pastor, and Tammy is active in women's and music ministry. Together they are equipping workers to be a blessing to Egypt and the region.This congregation has been a beautiful oasis now for almost 50 years for English-speaking expats (those living in a country other than their native one), as well as Egyptians, as well as travelers passing through Cairo.

    Email Tim & Tammy:

  • short term missions

    As a member of Caledonia CRC, you are encouraged to serve Jesus somewhere (local or global) on a short term service project! Please contact our missions team if you would like to request financial assistance for a short term missions endeavor.

  • celebration fellowship CRC

    Celebration Fellowship Christian Reformed Church is multi-site prison church comprised of believers living both inside and out of Bellamy Creek and Handlon Correctional Facilities in Ionia, Michigan.

    Email Bob Arbogast:


    Think Eight:Seven trains and equips pastors and leaders around the world in how to unlock the power of generosity within their communities and congregations, based in the teachings of the apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 8:7. 

    Email Jerry Schutte:

  • CAMPUS MINISTRY @ Grand Valley State University

    Campus Ministry is a community of Christ followers committed to engaging students with the life changing love of God, discipling leaders who make disciples, and being a bridge to Jesus Christ and His Church.

    Cody Zuiderveen (Grand Rapids Campus Minister):

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“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; 
and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

ACTS 1:8